
Zealand Institute of Business and Technology, Campus Roskilde

El. paštas:
Tipas: Kolegija
Adresas: Bakkesvinget 67, DK - 4000, Roskilde, Denmark
Telefonas: +4550762630
Studentų skaičius: 6


Zealand Institute of Business and Technology is a self-governed public institution under the supervision of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.
Zealand Institute of Business and Technology, ZIBAT was founded by law in 2008 as an academy of higher education under the supervision of the Danish Ministry of Education. The philosophy of Zealand Institute of Business and Technology is to benefit from size but at the same time to be unique with a strong local profile and study environment at each campus. Today, approximately 3,000 students study at the five campuses. The academy has five international campuses located in the cities of Roskilde, Køge, Næstved, Slagelse and Nykøbing Falster, offering programmes for a steadily growing number of international students as well as danish students.